A person paying with a credit card.

The Truth About Retail Credit Cards

Before saying yes to the next store credit card offered to you at a retail checkout counter, find out more about what that deal will mean for you in the long run. Those in-the-moment discounts may come at an unexpec…

A woman sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap. She is thinking while tapping her credit card against the side of her forehead.

New Money Problems We Didn’t Used to Have

If you ever feel like it’s gotten harder to stay on top of your or your family’s financial situation, you’re not wrong. Just ask a parent or grandparent. Older generations have a lot to teach us – and one of…

A man who looks stressed. He had his hands in his hair while looking at a laptop.

What You Need to Know About Check Fraud

Reports of check fraud are up, despite the fact that fewer people are writing checks compared with a decade ago. As with any type of financial fraud, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself from falling vict…

An sign on a business window. The sign says the business is open.

Why Customers Use Check Cashing Businesses

Millions of people throughout the country regularly use check cashing services at Currency Exchanges and other storefront businesses. What leads them there could be a lack of funds that prevent them from opening acc…

A person holding a sparkler.

New Year, New Banking Options

Want to start the year off on solid financial footing? Find out more about your options. Ways to manage your money are vastly different than they were even five or ten years ago. Small changes can save you cash here…