Before saying yes to the next store credit card offered to you at a retail checkout counter, find out more about what that deal will mean for you in the long run. Those in-the-moment discounts may come at an unexpec…
What You Need to Know When You Start Making (More) Money
When you’re accustomed to living paycheck to paycheck, a small raise or a new job with a better salary can make a huge difference in how you think about money. You may not be ready to buy that new Lexus quite yet,…
3 Social Media Money Ideas You Should Ignore – and What to Do Instead
Social media has upended how much of society – and young people, in particular – absorb personal finance advice. What this means is that you can get a mixed bag of what to do and what not to, leading you to plac…
How to Protect Your Finances in the Gig Economy
A growing number of workers are gravitating to the gig economy, where they can set their own schedules and, if they want, make money doing more than one kind of job. Over a third of U.S. workers – 36%, according t…
New Money Problems We Didn’t Used to Have
If you ever feel like it’s gotten harder to stay on top of your or your family’s financial situation, you’re not wrong. Just ask a parent or grandparent. Older generations have a lot to teach us – and one of…
What You Need to Know About Check Fraud
Reports of check fraud are up, despite the fact that fewer people are writing checks compared with a decade ago. As with any type of financial fraud, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself from falling vict…
Why Customers Use Check Cashing Businesses
Millions of people throughout the country regularly use check cashing services at Currency Exchanges and other storefront businesses. What leads them there could be a lack of funds that prevent them from opening acc…
New Year, New Banking Options
Want to start the year off on solid financial footing? Find out more about your options. Ways to manage your money are vastly different than they were even five or ten years ago. Small changes can save you cash here…
What Is Financial Anxiety and What Can You Do About It?
Most people fret about money from time to time. In fact, cash concerns are so commonplace that you may not even realize just how much financial anxiety is affecting your everyday life. And these types of worries can…
From Charters to Magnets: Do Alternative Schools Cost a Lot?
If you have ever considered an alternative to the local public or private school for your child, you have likely wondered what the relative price tags would be. Private school can cost a bundle, even for the younges…