It’s incredibly exciting when you get to cash a bonus check!
But that excitement can also distract you from conscious spending, and before you know it, you’ll have spent all your bonus money and have nothing left to show for it.
Cashing your bonus check smartly doesn’t have to mean you can’t have fun, either.
To help make sure you get the most out of your money when you cash your bonus check, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can wisely use your extra funds (while still having fun)!
#1 Give Yourself a Little Breathing Room By Paying Off Your Bills
We get it. Paying bills doesn’t exactly scream excitement. But, it is one of the smartest ways you can use your bonus check.
Monthly Bills
It’s a nice feeling when you can get ahead, right? Use some of your funds when you cash your bonus check towards getting caught up, or even ahead, with your regular monthly bills.
Loan Payments
Depending on how much your bonus check is, you may have the opportunity to use it to pay off an existing loan. While this may not necessarily leave you with much spending money left over, it will add to your monthly available income, making it worth it in the long run.
#2 Spread the Love Around By Sending Money to Family and Friends
Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean the giving has to stop!
If you have a friend or loved one that could use a little pick-me-up in the form of cash assistance, what better way to use your bonus money than to lend a helping hand?
Once you cash your bonus check, take some of the funds and send that special someone some financial love through a wire transfer. They can pick up the cash same day, have the funds transferred to their bank account or even sent directly to their mobile phone! Find out more details here.
#3 Protect Your Funds By Securing The Cash From Your Bonus Check
Carrying cash puts you at extra risk. If the money is ever lost or stolen, there’s not a whole lot you can do about it.
Make your bonus check money secure by cashing your bonus check and transferring the funds to a prepaid debit card. BONUS: Prepaid debit cards from CFSC feature no interest rates and no minimum balance requirements!
#4 Enjoy a Little “You” Time. Cash Your Bonus Check and Take a Trip
The bills are caught up, your friends and family are taken care of, and you’ve secured your funds, so now what?
You worked hard all year and earned a little something extra, so why not treat yourself to some quality “me” time?
Have you dreamed of seeing Paris in the spring? Traveling to warmer destinations while it’s still snowing at home? Taking a weekend getaway to some place tropical?
No matter the location, make a plan and get going!
CFSC Offers Convenient Services So You Can Easily Cash Your Bonus Check
When you’re ready to cash your bonus check, stop by your nearest CFSC.
We offer check cashing services with no holds on your funds and no bank account required!
You can even take advantage of all these smart bonus check tips in one stop! (And our foreign currency exchange services will get you going on that trip without paying extra fees that you’ll find elsewhere.)
Whatever you do, make sure that when you cash your bonus check, you’re making your money work for you. After all, it was you that worked hard to earn it in the first place.
Find a CFSC near you today, and let us help you start getting the most out of your bonus check!