The likelihood is, we all know someone that has been affected by cancer in one way or another. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for very good reason. With 1 in 8 women set to be diagnosed in her lifetime, it’s more important than ever to be proactive and learn how to help safeguard yourself and your loved ones to give you, and them, the best chance at beating breast cancer in the event of a diagnosis.
Alarming Statistics
Breast cancer awareness has become a common household phrase. That’s partially because every nineteen seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with breast cancer, and every 74 seconds, someone is the world dies from it. These facts are a hard pill to swallow, but the bright light in this dark tunnel is the fact that diagnosis doesn’t have to mean a death sentence.
Early Detection is Key
You’ve heard this before, and you’ll hear it again because it’s the biggest factor in having a higher success rate after diagnosis. Early detection can mean all the difference, and that’s why it’s so important.
Scheduling a yearly checkup – and keeping it – is crucial. A lot can change in a year, so why risk waiting any longer than that? In addition to your yearly checkups, self-examinations can help keep you aware of changes in your body and also provide peace of mind in between exams.
Don’t Lose Hope
98% of breast cancer patients experience positive results when they detect and treat early. That alone is a pretty good reason to take steps for early detection. Make sure you educate yourself, and then tell your neighbors, your friends, and your family because we’re all in this together.
Become Informed
Keep yourself informed, educated, and supported by visiting the National Breast Cancer Foundation online where you’ll find important information regarding what you need to know about breast cancer and possible early signs as well as a helpful brochure to teach you how to perform your own self-examinations.
This October, Think Pink!